
Find joy in your life and work in the midst of uncertainty.

Whether you desire a career shift, a relocation, or a lifestyle change, your coach will provide tailored guidance, empathetic listening, empowering motivation, and follow up accountability. She has coaching services to meet your budget. Schedule a 30-minute Introductory appointment or Life Coaching appointment using the button below. If you have questions, Contact Nancy.

Imagine your life filled with joy and happy memories that were left behind during a divorce. I specialize in empowering women especially those over 40 who have their own unique challenges. I’m here to help you reignite your spark and embrace a life filled with joy once again. Through personalized coaching and unwavering support, together we’ll navigate the path towards healing, growth, and rediscovering happiness once again.

As a counselor and Certified Life Coach who is thriving despite and because of physical and emotional challenges, I have strategies and processes for problem-solving, decision making, and goal setting to create the future you desire. I have over 20 years experience helping clients ages 30 to 60+ find success in their life and work.

A huge, unexpected change brings an avalanche of emotions, but making plans for a new life brings new energy. Read my story.

Nancy J. Miller is a master’s degree counselor (career), a Certified Life Coach, and Certified Trauma Informed Coach who will help you navigate challenges in your work, relationships, and career..

How can I help you find more of what you want in your life and work?

Relationships are the key to career growth and abundance. You can build confidence in who you are and what you want as you delve into your strengths, communication, and self-talk to build supportive relationships. Start with a and Introductory Appointment and add a coaching plan for insights, accountability, and managing challenges.

Job search is more than a search for a job. Google could do that for you. Your job search is a process of discovering what you want to do, why you want to work, what interests will keep you motivated and engaged, your needs, and how to plan your career.

Moving Forward through challenges can feel lonely. You may feel like your challenges are obvious or they may be locked away inside from past stresses or small traumas that accumulated over time. Your professional Life Coach can walk beside you to help you find your own resourcefulness and opportunities as you traverse the emotions and obstacles along the way.

Nancy J. Miller has demonstrated professional level competency to work with individuals impacted by chronic stress and trauma, earning the title of Trauma Informed Coach. Trauma can come from a big event in your life or many upsetting or stressful events that you didn’t have the resources to cope with at the time. Emotions from the events can get stuck in your energy for years causing procrastination, imposter syndrome, stress, and feeling overwhelmed. As a Certified Life Coach and Trauma-Informed coach, Nancy has strategies to help you unleash trapped energy from the past that is keeping you from the life and work you desire. Contact Nancy to learn more.

My Interests

My passion for coaching draws me to studying career trends and strategies; relationship building; healthy eating; and affects of current and past trauma. My love of writing and creativity led me to writing and publishing two nonfiction books and two children’s books.

About Nancy

Career/Life Coaching

Career Resources

Vegetable Personality Styles

Books and Writing Blog

Destress Activities

Contact Nancy

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