About Nancy

Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Career Counselor/Certified Mental Health Life Coach

Through my training as a Certified Mental Health and Master Life Coach, I learned to engage my senses as I experience my life. Master NLP Coach training helped me engage with my environment when I am out walking or sitting on the beach. I feel spiritually alive and close to my creator when I see the everlasting movement of the ocean waves as I dig my feet in the sand and feel the cool breeze touch my cheeks. I can taste the salty air and hear the gulls chattering as their wings flap across the sky. I thank God for all of their creation as I look for ways to bring gratitude to my day and kindness to my world.

I became a master’s degree counselor because I love learning about psychology, how the brain works, and what motivates us as humans to behave the way we do. I gained extensive training to be certified as a Master Life Coach to bring my skills in cultivating joy and energy to my clients’ lives. I work as a coach and refer when therapy is needed. My goal is to assist you in transitioning from distress to eustress, the positive form of well-being.”

I believe everyone can benefit from coaching at some time in their lives. I want to make the process easy and affordable.

I would love to hear from you. Share what you would like more or less of in your life/career, and let’s see how you can get there.


Certified Mental Health Coach

Inner Dynamics to access conflicting parts that create self-sabotage, procrastination, or distress

Master of Science in Counseling (Career) – CSUS

Counseling, Research, Ethics, Theory

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology – CSUS

Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Perception

Certified Master Life Coach – iNLP Center

Accessing inner strengths and resources, transforming stuck states, imposter syndrome

Advanced Career Facilitation for the 21st Century (AFC21)Career Planning Academy

Instructor/Practitioner embracing uncertainty, acquiring cultural humility, and practicing gratitude

Trauma-Informed Certified Coach – Coach Training World

Recognizing small life traumas, major trauma, and providing resources for coping and thriving.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (Professional Skills 1)ACEP

EFT or Tapping for releasing stuck energy from accumulated stress, trauma memories, and everyday challenges.

NLP Master Practitioner – iNLP Center/The NLP Institute of California

Neuro-Linguistic Programming for more positive communication, managing stress, and self-esteem


Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology

National Career Development Association

Elk Grove Writers Guild


Fire Up Your Profile For LifeWork Success Revised 2016

Vegetable Personality Styles

Vegetable Kids in the Garden

Vegetable Kids Cafeteria Club